Is Rehab Necessary for Addicts?
Question by : Is rehab necessary for addicts?
Rehab Treatment New Jersey is a fully licensed and certified Rehabilitation Center for all those who are in the clutches of drug and alcohol addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by Jack
a friend of mine went to rehab for a few months for extacy the first thing he did when he got out was smoke weed get drunk and do extacy
waste of money if you ask me.
Answer by Danny Wykes dip reflex mb
It can be in severe cases but another alternative is to see a Reflexologist. Reflexology is very good at combating addictions and would deffinenly reccomend it .
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Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment Center “CARE FLORIDA” in Palm Beach South Florida – Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment Center “CARE FLORIDA” in Palm Beach South Florida. Dedicated to treating addiction, substance abuse, intervention, medical det…
Tags: addiction treatment center, treatment center, drug rehab, drug and alcohol addiction, alcohol addiction
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