Wake Up Call? Crystal Meth Addiction?

Question by : Wake up call? Crystal Meth Addiction?
I’m 17 years old, fatherless, pretty much raised myself and everything I’ve done in life I did it myself because I had no one to turn to.

I’be been abusing drugs since I was 12. I smoke weed everyday, I used to take acid every weekend, I used to take a lot of pills, drink alot of cough medicine, prescriptions, anything I could get my hands on.. and just recently I was offered meth for the first time (where I actually considered it) It was offered many times before, but I just never went near it.

I’ve been smoking crystal meth for the past 5 days straight. I’ve smoked atleast a gram to myself over this 5 day period, I feel like shit, its coming down and I never want to go near it again because I can not stand what I feel like after. But I have a feeling I’ll want to do it again when I’m not coming down, but I’m not going near it.

So to make a long story short.
1. Am I going to have any permanent effects of that 5 day binge when I tried meth for the first time?
2. Will I feel the need to do more when I return to normal? Thanks..

Best answer:

Answer by Gahoole
That’s pretty intense. I’m sorry you’re going through this, man. *hugs through the internet*

You’ll probably want to do more when you’re back to normal but DON’T DO IT! If you quit now it will save you so much trouble, time and money!! I don’t know if there will be permanent effects, but you will crave it a lot and be very depressed and irritable for a short while. I cannot stress how much trouble it will save you if you can overcome the cravings.


Answer by casimirforce
Dude! WTF is wrong with you? You clearly know that you are being self-destructive. You say you’ve raised yourself, and I am sincerely sorry that you haven’t had much of a childhood. But this is going nowhere fast.

I kind of don’t believe that you want to keep this up. I also kind of believe that you want something better for yourself. That help is out there. Google your town and juvenile drug treatment, like this:

“My Town” and “juvenile drug treatment” or “My Town” and “youth drug services.”

Sorry, I know you might think this is a rant, and I don’t mean it to be. If you’ve raised yourself, you also have the obligation to save yourself. My god, you’re completely literate! Punctuation, spelling, grammar – all much better than a lot of what is posted on here! STOP killing yourself. Your community, your country and even your family are going to need you and your intelligence some day. They will also need the resourcefulness you’ve shown by raising yourself.

Okay, I’m done.

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Sources Counselling & Addiction Services – Addiction Services provides individual and family counselling for those trying to deal with an alcohol or drug misuse problem as well as for those impacted b…


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