Fundraising Ideas for a Non-Profit Organization?

Question by Lauren T: Fundraising ideas for a non-profit organization?
My SIFE group at college is in charge of a fundraising project for a local non-profit organization called “The Hope Center”. It is a Christian based drug and alcohol recovery program for adult men. If you have any ideas for the project please let me know. We live in a town of about 25,000. Thanks in advance!

Best answer:

Answer by jasonandrewwi
dry Dish For A Cause ( they donate $ 60 (or $ 120 if you have a non-profit 501(c)3 or tax id for IRS purposes) every time a friend, supporter of the fundraiser, etc. orders Dish network. For more info you can check out their website or contact them i believe their email is [email protected]

They helped a friend of mine raise money for their church mission trip.

If you get at least 20 orders in a calendar month (new customers only) they will donate $ 135 per order instead of $ 120. It is cleaner than a bake sale, not as messy as a car wash, and much more profitable. Just involves spreading the word and they will even print “THE HOPE CENTER” on the flyers, so people will know what their supporting!!

with that donation increase, just 20 activation is $ 2,700.

They worked for us, and didn’t cost a thing! (yes many fundraisers actually want you to pay things up front or make a deposit for their services… come on non-profits need fundraisers to RECEIVE money, not for some scammer to TAKE their money.

Hope it works for you like it did for us!!
God Bless

Answer by flingebunt
There are 2 types of fundraising, public fundraising and patrons.

Traditionally patronage was on of the best ways to raise money for things such as hospitals, community centres etc.

Don’t forget this approach as many people never see or hear it. You have dinners $ 100-200 per person for the local community (or maybe $ 50 depends on your community). You have a speaker who talks. It is a local networking event.

Alternatively you approach members of the community and get them to donate.

For something more public, you need to give to get. For drug and alchohol you might have badges or stickers that say an appropriate message (eg “say no to drugs”) or “The best drug in life is a smile from a good friend”).

You get them made for a few cents each and sell them for $ 1-2.

You can also do education events. A good one is to get a local band, or contact a known band in your local region. Have an all ages night, the band plays for free, talks drug and alchohol. You might try some Christian rock, but don’t be afraid to contact non-christian rock bands.

Such events, event withou education are useful. In a small community, for young people, diversionary activities keep young people out of trouble and off drugs.

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